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Here are some brief directions for downloading your free report entitled Guide To Home Decorating On A Budget.  Right click on the button below that says Free Report. Depending on which browser you are using, a box will pop up and you can chose either "save file" or "save file as". Then when the next box opens choose where you want to save the report. A good suggestion is to your desktop or documents file. Some place where you will find it easily. If you left click on the button the file will probably start to download instantly but you don't get a choice where it goes. Most of the time it goes to the downloads folder. The report is in PDF format so you need a PDF reader to open and view it. Most computers already have a program that will do that but if you need one you can get this free one here:  Just make sure the McAfee optional offers boxes aren't checked unless you want them downloaded and installed on your computer as well.

Budget Home Decorating Tips Report

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